Contemporary Handmade Bespoke Furniture

Contemporary Handmade Bespoke Furniture

The Butterfly Effect Drinks Cabinet 

The conceptfor this cabinetis based on the butterfly effect theory. In which if a butterfly flaps it’s wings in new Mexico that it would cause a hurricane in China.          With this theory in mind I designed the cabinet looking from the point of view if I dropped a stone in the Atlanticocean would it cause a fire/drought in another part of the world. The ripples on the front are representingthe waves caused buy the stone and the charred wood on the side of the cabinet represent the fire/drought . 

Burned Bridges 

A client commissioned me to design a coffee table so she can sit of an evening with a glass of wine in one hand and a good book in the other. She had spent many years in an unhappy marriage, which finally ended in a messy divorce. Many years on, she and her husband became good friends again, much like when they had first met. They’re both in a happy place now.  I went about designing this coffee table with this in mind, even though it wasn’t in the brief.

So, the black charred wood which is higher then the white wood represents all the negative times in their life. Which by the end of their marriage overshadowed the good times represented by the white wood. The glass top symbolizes where they are right now, the bridge that’s over the negative times of the past.  Burned bridges can always be mended. 

Heavy Lies The Crown

The Chair is titled "Heavy Lies The Crown". This project is a look at people of importance with great responsibilities and pressure on them and they don't realise that all of these stresses are slowly eating them away. The black symbolises the erosion of the entire structure of the person, whereas the white is the pedestal the person is sitting on and doesn't realise it is compromised. Looking at the seat from the top and straight on resembles a crown which pays homage to fallen kings and leaders of the past who never realised what was happening under them.

'Atlas' Dinning Table (8 seater)

The design for the Atlas table is based on the Greek god Atlas (we’ve all seen the statues, you know the guy holding the world on his shoulders). With this image of strength and endurance in mind I went about designing the table. The legs of the table represent his arms holding up the great weight of the heavy hardwood tabletop. 

'Illusion' Nest of Tables

Nest of Tables 

Oriental Chest of Drawers

Geometric/Organic  Bench (yew&ash)

Geometric/Organic  Table (oak&ash)

Shou Sugi Ban Oak and Copper Sideboard

Minamilist Bench

Tipple Cabinet (walnut)